rn's work

Screenshot of the WIRED article, highlighting the algorithm's biased decision making.
Distribution chart highlighting the algorithm's biased decision making.

Developed the interactive scrollytelling website that highlighted how a machine learning algorithm fostered discrimination and societal bias in real life. Simplified the results of exploratory fairness analysis (done by Lighthouse Reports) using engaging visualizations and intuitive distribution charts.

What's interesting: The distribution chart (CROSSING THE LINE) achieves ~60fps animation despite animating more than a thousand DOM nodes, even on mobile devices.

The customized menu after taking the quiz, which recommends appetizers, main dishes and drinks.
The customized menu after taking the quiz, which recommends appetizers, main dishes and drinks.

Developed an interactive quiz customizes a highly curated and tailored Thanksgiving menu from 172 possible recipes based on user’s answer to questions.

What's interesting: Based on editors recommendations, we built a custom decision tree (algorithm for the app + visualization to debug all possible recommendations).

Landing page of the Vacation Quiz.
Landing page of the Vacation Quiz.

This interactive quiz recommends the ideal place for a vacation from a list of travel destinations curated by the editors based on user's choices.

What's interesting: This was our first quiz project, and there was a lot of debugging done to get the logic right. Ensuring that all possible pathways were covered and enabled the user to reach a travel destination.

Hero image for the website consisting of a colorful 2020 logo and a parallax gallery of Condé's magazine cover images as background.
Hero image for the website consisting of a colorfu 2020 logo and a parallax gallery of Condé's magazine cover images as background.

Like Spotify Wrapped, but for Condé. Internal scrollytelling website analyzing trends and patterns of articles published in 2020. Consists of animated cluster charts, parallax image gallery, custom visualizations and lots more; all scroll-driven.

What's interesting: A lot of performance optimizations were done to ensure core web vitals along with FCP and TTI had the best score possible. We are talking about Web Workers, animation optimizations, rendering optimizations and lazy loading.

A scrollable header section that emphasizes the models and the magazine cover image.
A scrollable header section that emphasizes the models and the magazine cover image.

Developed a tribute website to demonstrate ten designers celebrating the legacy of Karl Lagerfeld, the theme for Met Gala 2023.

Landing page of the Data Story Lab team's portfolio page.
Landing page of the Data Story Lab team's portfolio page.

Portfolio website for the Data Story Lab team - the data visualization team from Condé Nast which I was a part of.

What's interesting: The parallax effects were fun to develop, and are more fun to play around with!

Interactive China map that showcases a region's special cuisine on hover.
Interactive China map that showcases a region's special cuisine on hover.

An interactive China map to highlight the regional cuisine specialities. Engage with the map on desktop using hover, and explore the cuisines on mobile through a touch-friendly map layout.

What's interesting: Managing the hover popups for each region was challenging. Allowing recipe links to be accessible while moving within the popup, avoiding overlap between the popups and preventing popup glitch / jerk between regions across different layouts was ... fun.

This interactive quiz recommends the best earbuds and headphones from a curated collection of the best musical mates based on user's requirements.

What's interesting: The headphone jack weaves through each question perfectly, across different screens and devices.

For their 25th Anniversary, we developed a interactive scrollytelling narrative to let user's explore and visualize their favourite music's rankings.

This was a project for Pitchfork.

Developed "The Numbers" section in both Migraine & Psoriasis pages.